B Developments

B Developments
Founded in 1930

The origins of B Developments dates back four generations to the early 1930’s when Ángel Barbagallo started Angel Barbagallo Inmobiliaria in Buenos Aires, Argentina. They focused on auctions, construction, and both real estate and mortgage brokerage. The transition to the United States real estate market began in the mid-nineties. Since then, B Developments has evolved to B Group, LLC to include B Developments, B Group Capital, Urbanland Realty, and Magna Inversora. B Developments has been involved in many signature projects for the City of Miami and beyond. They have successfully developed several prime properties, bringing more than 500 condominium units to the market. Currently, the company is involved in projects oriented to adding value to certain underdeveloped sectors, with specific emphasis in North Bay Village and Coconut Grove.

2937 SW 27th Ave, Ste 202
Miami, FL 33133
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