Walt Disney World shared intentions of creating an affordable residential community in Florida

Walt Disney World shared intentions of creating an affordable residential community in Florida

Walt Disney World’s intention to build a residential community originated in the company’s past. One of Walt Disney’s last ideas was the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow (EPCOT) designed to develop the American business and urban living. Disney considered the creation of a mixed-use residential environment the most important task faced by the US society. He intended to design a city whose development could be controlled, so as not to repeat the urban expansion scenario that the USA experienced in the early 20th century. After Disney died, his idea was abandoned, as the company management was not sure they could create and control a large urban space. Fifty five years later and upon careful consideration, Walt Disney World chose The Michaels Organization to build its first residential community.

The Michaels Organization is going to build over 1,300 apartments on the premises of Walt Disney World. The park that will span approximately 80 acres will create new jobs in Central Florida and solve the housing crisis in the state.

This project will be located only a few kilometers from the Magic Kingdom Park, with schools and shops nearby. The construction of this promising community will be funded by private sources.

John J. O’Donnell, CEO at The Michaels Organization, says their goal is developing a project that will hopefully inspire other organizations and municipalities to build high-quality affordable housing.

Walt Disney World will interact with The Michaels Organization throughout all design and construction processes. Further data, such as the schedule of residences construction, will be posted next year.

Other US companies also support regional development. Handel Architects, for instance, is planning to hire at least 30% of minority- and women-controlled businesses to build Angels Landing, the third tallest tower in Los Angeles Downtown. Similarly, the Lucas Museum decided to hire locals and increase the number of subcontracts with enterprises owned by women, minorities, and veterans.

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