How to obtain a residence permit in the USA?

How to obtain a residence permit in the USA?

Throughout its history, the United States of America has attracted immigrants from all over the world in search of a better life.

America is a large and diverse country with many economic opportunities, so it is no wonder that so many people want to obtain a residence permit in the USA and settle down there.

With this in mind, we will discuss the grounds to obtain a green card, the requirements the applicant must meet, and other useful information worth noting.


The features of the American residence permit

When considering America as a relocation option, it is important to understand that there is no "residence permit" in the usual sense of the word. Its analog is the Green Card.

What is a Green Card?

A "Green Card" is an identification document, an identity card that confirms the rights of a foreign national to reside and work in the United States of America. The Green Card serves as a stepping stone to obtaining citizenship.

What does a Green Card allow foreigners in the USA?

A green card opens up a wide range of opportunities for a foreigner:

  • residence in the country
  • the right to employment
  • receiving medical care
  • education in educational institutions
  • banking services
  • the right to buy real estate in Florida or any other state in your name
  • making invitations for family members and friends

All this is available to the holder of the "Green Card".

There are also restrictions:

  • you cannot take part in voting and elections
  • ban on departure from the country for a long period (6-12 months)
  • cancellation of a Green Card for violating the laws of the United States of America
  • restrictions on benefits and allowances


Compliance category for a Green Card

To apply for a Green Card, you must meet one of the categories listed below.

A Green Card based on family ties

Degree of kinshipConditions
The closest relative of a US citizen
  • Spouse of a US citizen
  • Unmarried child under the age of 21
  • Parent of an American citizen who is at least 21 years old
Other relatives

Family member:

  • Unmarried children over the age of 21
  • Married children of both sexes
  • Brothers or sisters over the age of 21
The spouse of a US citizen or the child of the spouse

The spouse

A person admitted to the USA as a child of the spouse (Bride/Groom Visa (K1))

Widows A person who is married to an American citizen at the time of his death

On the grounds of employment

Categories of personsConditions
Immigrant worker

Immigrant workers of the first group:

  • holders of outstanding abilities in science, art, education, business, and sports
  • distinguished professors or researchers
  • managers or managers who meet certain criteria

Immigrant workers of the second group:

  • representatives of professions requiring a scientific degree
  • holders of exceptional abilities in science, art, business, etc.

Immigrant workers of the third group:

  • qualified personnel (for jobs that require at least 2 years of training or work experience)
  • professionals (for jobs with educational requirements not lower than a bachelor's degree or equivalent)
  • unskilled workers (for unskilled work with less than 2 years of experience and education requirements).
Doctors Doctors who agree to work full-time in clinical practice in a specially designated underserved area for a certain period, and also meet other requirements for candidates.
Immigrant investor They have invested or are investing at least $1,050,000 (or $800,000 in a targeted employment area or infrastructure project) in a new commercial enterprise in the USA that will create full-time jobs for at least 10 qualified employees.

Special cases

Category of personsConditions
Employee of the religious sphere Members of religious denominations relocating to the United States of America to work for a non-profit religious organization.
Minors Minor citizens need to be protected by the juvenile court due to abuse or lack of parental supervision.
Residents of Afghanistan or Iraq
  • Afghan and Iraqi translators
  • Iraqis who worked for the U.S. government since March 20, 2003, and for at least 1 year after that date
  • Afghans employed by the U.S. government or the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF).
Employees of an international organization or family members or employees of NATO-6 Retired officers or employees of the relevant international organization or NATO, or family members of this employee.

A Green Card for refugees

Category of personsConditions
Refugees Those who received asylum status at least 1 year ago
Shelter They were accepted as a refugee at least 1 year ago

A Green Card for victims of human trafficking and crimes

Category of personsConditions
Victim of human trafficking They have a non-immigrant visa T
Victim of a crime They have a non-immigrant visa U

Other categories

Category of personsConditions
National Diversity Program To be selected to receive a visa in the diversity visa lottery from the State Department.
A person born in the USA in the family of a foreign diplomat Born in the family of a foreign diplomat who is in the USA at the time of your birth.


The main ways to obtain a residence permit in America

A foreign national has several ways to obtain a resident visa in the United States of America. These reasons may include winning the Green Card international lottery, marrying an American citizen, or starting a business. The period for deciding on your candidacy can range from 30 days to 2 years, depending on which visa permit program you opt for.

Grounds on which a residency permit may be granted:

Green Card lottery

A Green Card, also known as Diversity Immigrant Visa (DV), is a unique opportunity to become an immigration visa holder in the USA by winning the lottery. Each year, the program offers up to 50,000 lottery-based immigration visas. The lottery gives citizens of countries with few immigration rules a chance to participate in a random selection, where the candidate is chosen by the will of good fortune.

In 2021, foreigners received 4,000 immigration cards from the lottery.

How to become a lottery participant:

  • fill out a questionnaire on the official website, attach a photo, and submit an application from October to November.


  • secondary education
  • two years' work experience

Residence permit through marriage

The visa regime and residence permit in the United States of America offer the possibility of obtaining a Green Card through marriage to an American citizen.


  • marriage
  • evidence of cohabitation

If these simple requirements are met, the spouse of a US citizen will receive a 2-year visa.


For buying real estate

The acquisition of property is not sufficient grounds on which to obtain a residence permit in the USA. However, this may be an additional argument for your candidacy. You can buy an apartment in Florida or another state of America and meet other selection criteria, and the authorized bodies will be forced to take note of this.

Investments in the US economy

Entrepreneurs and investors can get an EB-5 visa for:

  • sponsoring independent projects
  • investments in regional projects

The minimum investment amount is $900,000. Depending on the case, the conditions may vary.

Business in the country

A residence permit in the USA for foreigners can be obtained in the following cases:

  • being invited by an American sponsor company
  • being a relocated employee of a new company or startup
  • for business investments from $1,800,000

An important condition is that the candidate must be at least 21 years old.

Note: Foreign citizens who are not on the sanctions list can use this program.


List of documents for a long-term visa

What documents a foreigner may need for a residence permit in the USA:

  • a completed questionnaire
  • valid international passport
  • passport photo
  • confirmation of no criminal conviction
  • medical certificates
  • receipt of payment of the fee

Additional papers:

  • certificate of financial solvency
  • birth or marriage certificate
  • confirmation of family ties
  • invitation of the host party

The list may vary depending on the reason why you plan to apply for a Green Card.

Important! All documents must be translated into English and have copies.

We will help you obtain a residence permit for the USA

The specialists of «Florida.Realestate» will make your dream of moving to this country come true! Contact us, and we will help you prepare the necessary documents to receive a residence permit, advise you on aspects of immigration to the United States of America, and advise you of all the necessary legal requirements when buying a house in Florida or another state you are interested in.

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