Commercial property in Florida

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Buy a ready business in Florida

Commercial property in Florida is no less popular than residential. Many foreigners prefer to buy commercial property in Florida for investment and waste no time developing a business plan in another country. Such an approach yields income immediately after the purchase since the business is already up and running. There are a variety of commercial-purpose properties abroad.

Commercial property for sale in Florida

The market offers:

  • Buy-to-rent houses in Florida
  • Hotels
  • Offices
  • Retail outlets
  • Beauty parlors
  • Hair salons
  • Cafes and restaurants

The already existing customer base and seller’s advice after the transaction will help you start seeing a return on your investment immediately.

Commercial property prices in Florida

Commercial property prices in Florida can vary. If only a franchise or a specific activity is sold, while the property itself is leased, the prices are quite affordable. The leasehold is transferred to the new owner and its cost is not included in the purchase amount. In this case, you can buy a small business for about $100,000. Purchasing a full-scale commercial property can cost upwards of $1 million. The final amount depends on the floor space of the building, its location, functions, and amenities.

Commercial property investment in Florida

The advantage of buying a commercial property, as opposed to housing stock, is the ability to apply for one of the US long-term visa options. You will be eligible if the commercial property meets the minimum price requirement. There are two strategies for investing in commercial property:

  • Running your own business in the future
  • Leasing the commercial property

The latter option will enable you to receive profit remotely. This is an available method of investment portfolio expansion for foreigners. It is, however, important to study the general situation in the US real estate market before the purchase and only then make a decision on investing money in a specific segment.

Buying commercial property in Florida

See listings posted by real estate agents from Florida on this website. All information is up-to-date and transactions comply with the requirements of the local legislation. Browse our catalog to select not only commercial property but also land plots for subsequent development or residential property in all the popular cities of the state – Miami, Hollywood, and Tampa. You can customize the intuitive search system with filters to select the desired facility type and see the price in euros or dollars.