Land plots in Florida

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Land plots for sale in Florida, USA

Florida remains a popular destination in the USA, highly sought-after by foreigners both as a permanent residence location and an opportunity to invest in local housing. Property in Florida is in high demand, particularly in larger communities with actively developing economies. Land plots are also sought-after. There are no land ownership restrictions for foreigners in the USA. This makes it possible to buy a land plot in Florida for investment and construction in any of the state’s counties. When you make a purchase it is important to take into account that most property in this country has a specific designation. If a plot is classified as an Environmental Protection Zone, further construction will most probably be prohibited there. So make sure to find out ahead of time whether a specific land plot is encumbered with any restrictions that contradict your purpose.

Land plot prices

The value of land in Florida depends on several features:

  • Location
  • Neighborhood and proximity to the coast
  • Land plot area

Prices are the highest in Miami. A plot with an area from 0.1 ha can cost upwards of $1 million here, but this is just the initial value. A series of listings feature prices of several million dollars. It is also important to take into consideration that regardless of the purpose of the purchase, the land plot owner must pay taxes. The tax rates are established by the state.

Land plots in Florida for investment

Investment in Florida land is profitable for several reasons, including:

  • Economic stability. Despite all dynamic changes in the market, property enjoys a sustainable demand in the USA, and construction of new facilities requires land.
  • Value capitalization trend. Real estate, including land plots, in one of the country’s three biggest states, grow consistently more expensive.

This means you can make money by reselling the land in the future or using the plot to build your own house in Florida.

Buying a plot of land in Florida

Our catalogue includes listings by developers and real estate agents from Florida. Customize your search with convenient filters and select a unit with the desired area and location. You can view prices in euros or dollars. Our team is happy to consult with you on any questions about property abroad and help you to purchase a plot of land. Make your choice today!