5 Florida cities are in the TOP 10 most popular locations to move to in the USA

5 Florida cities are in the TOP 10 most popular locations to move to in the USA

A US study showed that many people across the country move from one state to another. According to the statistics, every 4th respondent wants to move to a new place. In January 2023, Miami was recognized as the most popular location for resettlement. Half of the 10 most popular migration destinations are in Florida. These are Tampa, Cape Coral, Orlando, and North Port Sarasota.

San Francisco remains the city most frequently left behind, followed by New York, Los Angeles, Washington, and Chicago. Market experts call the climate and the favourable taxation system the key drivers for buyers of Florida homes who come from other states.

Real estate consultants also note that Florida’s development market keeps fluctuating, with rates alternately going up and down. There are no signs of the market’s stabilizing, so it is very complicated to forecast the most favourable time for purchasing a property with any degree of precision. Now, when the supply in the market is quite large and the choice is good, any type of property can be selected for an affordable price.

According to the same study, four other popular US cities to move to are Sacramento, Phoenix, Dallas, and Las Vegas.

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