There is a boom in buyer interest in the real estate market of South Apopka and Jacksonville

There is a boom in buyer interest in the real estate market of South Apopka and Jacksonville

In South Apopka and Jacksonville in South Florida, there is an increase in consumer activity. South Apopka has a population of just 56,000, making it the 52nd largest county in Florida. However, this did not prevent it from becoming one of the fastest growing housing markets in the state.

In April of this year, the average house price in Apopka soared to $442,000 with a tendency to increase by 9.1%. At the same time, Jacksonville, also popular among real estate buyers, showed a drop in house prices to $310,000. The decrease amounted to 4.6%.

South Apopka in Orange County in Florida stretches for 85 km2. Among its advantages is its proximity to Orlando and Florida International Airport. Most of the houses put up for sale are purchased within 61 days. The average time to sell a home in Jacksonville is 49 days.

The recent increase in the cost of housing in Florida in general and in the Folder and Jacksonville in particular can be explained in many aspects. The main one is the population growth in the state as a whole. In some parts of northeast Florida, along with the Ass, new real estate was actively being built, which led to an increase in prices.

Real estate prices are rising and this trend is likely to continue. Now is a good time for investments that will later allow you to reap the benefits of the current market boom.

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