Florida developers implement eco solutions in their projects more frequently

Florida developers implement eco solutions in their projects more frequently

For a long time, the state’s developers were accused of harming the environment, but the situation has changed drastically over the past few years. New eco solutions are being applied in construction in Florida more and more frequently. At a recent conference in Lakeland, developers have discussed the need to reduce the environmental impact and use natural resources more efficiently when designing communities.

Experts believe that more nature reserves and footpaths need to be added, and the implementation of eco technologies should continue. Some companies are already studying solar power and implementing energy-efficient devices in houses and apartments. For instance, Hunters Point, a company from Manatee County, is creating a new LEED-certified community with zero net environmental impact. This residential project includes 86 houses that produce more energy than they consume.

Another example is Naples where a developer has recently built the first house running on solar power. Other cutting-edge technologies are implemented there too, e.g., energy accumulation by Tesla Powerwall instead of a generator.

Developers tend to install low water consumption toilets, LED-lighting shower systems, and solar batteries more and more often.

The eco trend is caused by the fact that construction professionals strive to reduce the environmental impact and realize that customers are becoming more aware and prefer to buy homes in more eco-friendly neighbourhoods.

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