Generation Z (81%) and millennials (71%) experience stress when buying a property for the first time

Generation Z (81%) and millennials (71%) experience stress when buying a property for the first time

Generation Z (81%) and millennials (71%) note: they are stressed about buying a home partly because they are buying real estate for the first time. Also of concern are the low level of stocks in the market and the growth of interest rates on loans. At the same time, 54% of real estate buyers say that now is a good time to buy a house.

Problems with housing stocks (24%) and mortgage rates (24%) have become the main stress factors when buying a home. Nevertheless, 68% of buyers called the change in interest rates over the past year an incentive that pushed them to purchase real estate. At the same time, three out of 10 buyers (29%) chose new buildings rather than secondary housing.

Experts note that "the key to stress mitigation" will be lower inflation and an improvement in the economic situation.

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